
Job market paper

Urban costs around the world

Working papers

How local is local development? Evidence from casinos (with Ari Anisfeld)
Revise and Resubmit, Regional Science and Urban Economics

Several million demand elasticities (with James Traina and Uyen Tran)

Works in progress

Modeling climate migration (with Tom Bearpark, Nic Choquette-Levy, Michael Oppenheimer, and Tingyin Xiao)

Geography, uncertainty, and the cost of climate change (with Aditya Bhandari)

Urban development dynamics and zoning (with Chase Abram)

Labor market policy in a spatial economy (Winner of the 2022 George S. Tolley Prize)


How Practical Are Biden’s Proposals to Promote Labor Market Competition? with James Traina. ProMarket, March 2022.

Bujalski, Julia, Grace Dwyer, Todd Kapitula, Quang-Nhat Le, Harjasleen Malvai, Jordan Rosenthal-Kay, and Joshua Ruiter. "Consensus and Clustering in Opinion Formation on Networks." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. 5 March 2018.